What is Nastent?


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  2. Features

Nastent is a self administered one-time use disposable device



Nastentis a tube-shaped medical device that is inserted from the nose. The tip of the tube reaches the soft palate (near the uvula). The inserted tube aids breathing by preventing the obstruction of the airway which causes poor sleep, frequent awakening during sleep, and snoring. Nastentis made from extremely soft material and is designed to be used by many patients with minimal discomfort.

various size

You can choose a size
which fits you best.

various size

Nastentis available in various sizes. To ensure effective use of Nastent user must obtain or have prescription from a doctor for the proper length of Nastent.

nastent classic contact
info_nastent@sevendreamers.com info_nastent@sevendreamers.com
Nastent is a medical device
It is a one-time use disposable medical device, and is available in six different lengths and two types of hardness.
  1. Nastent Top
  2. Features