What is Nastent?

First-Time Purchase

  1. Nastent Top
  2. First-Time Purchase
Since Nastent Classic was put on the market in July 2014, it has appeared on articles of various media. On the Internet, approximately 50 companies covered Nastent.

iconFlow of Purchase

  • 1

    Examination and Diagnosis

    Examination and Diagnosis

    Check for aptitude via examination by a doctor. You may not be able to use Nastent as a result of examination.

  • 2

    Choice of Treatment

    Choice of Treatment

    You can choose CPAP, mouthpiece, or other methods in addition to Nastent.
    If you prefer Nastent, tell the doctor so.

  • 3

    Fitting and Prescription

    Fitting and Prescription

    Conduct fitting under instruction by the doctor and choose the best size of Nastent. Receive a prescription from the doctor.

  • 4


    You can purchase Nastent; by sending the prescription from the doctor via facsimile or from our website.
    (Refer to “Repeat Purchase” for details.)
    You can also purchase Nastent; at a pharmacy handling it. Present the prescription there.

Search for Handling Facilities
Handling Facilities
Handling Facilities

* You can also order from a mobile device.

nastent is a medical device.


nastent is a medical device.

It is a one use disposable devise, and available in six lengths and two types of hardness.
  1. Nastent Top
  2. First-Time Purchase